What is regenerative grazing?
Regenerative Grazing works on the principle of mimicking how large herds of ruminant’s graze, like Bisons. Wild herds graze in tight groups and move quickly across large areas due to predator pressure. They graze the pasteurised plants hard and fast. Trampling them under foot. They then move on and don’t return for quite some time. This allows the grass plants to grow taller. To put down deep roots and to capture solar energy. Increasingly scientists believe that this type of pattern of behaviour allows the grass plants to store more carbon in the soil, to feed the soil microbiology and to provide varied habitat biodiversity.

What we have done?
Coming soon

How we have achieved this
We have drawn on the experience we have gained and what we have learnt over the past four years from trailing and testing regenerative grazing strategies on our beef heard which we have now been able to apply to our dairy herds pastures. We have been and are currently working with a regenerative consultant enabling us to evolve into next level grazing where we are targeting next level recovery for our grass and herbal lays throughout the season with a focus on creating more resilient pastures.