What are we doing?
We’re working with expert partners and farmer led social enterprise the Farm Carbon Toolkit (FCT) to engage with more British organic farmers to understand the REAL impact of soil carbon stocks on our farms and how it can help our climate emergency.
Initially working with 25 of our organic dairy supply farms, the FCT will measure the soil carbon stocks on their farms and deliver a mentoring programme on soil health and increasing soil carbon sequestration. This programme will take over five years as it is the minimum time frame to measure carbon sequestration in soil.
Watch the video to find out more about our project.

The Farm Carbon Toolkit (FCT) will lead on the practical soil measuring of our supplying farms as well as engaging farmers about the health of their soils, offering practical support and mentoring on how they can do better to support their soil health, productivity and carbon sequestration
Watch FCT Technical Director Becky Willson explain her role in the project.

HOW are we doing IT?
A big part of this project is measuring the soil organic matter across an initial 20+ supply farms. This involves physically collecting soil samples from every field on the farms in the trial over the next two years. That’s samples from over 840 fields covering over 13,000 acres.
Watch the team at work on their first sampling

Farming is directly responsible for 10% of UK national greenhouse gas emissions, Yeo Valley Organic believes carbon sequestration in soils through REGENERATIVE organic farming offers enormous potential to reduce atmospheric carbon levels, which are driving ongoing global warming.

In 2015, we initiated our first Soil Organic Matter (SOM) trial in the Valley with over 400 acres of our land analysed. In 2019/20, we carried out over 1,300 samples. Data showed that soil carbon stocks on our family farm is equivalent to 150 years’ worth of the farm’s emissions.
View the map