MEET Adam atkinson
Caulston Farm is an organic dairy farm in the Devon countryside with over 900 acres of land. It is home to 580 spring-calving Jersey-cross-Friesian cows that spend more than 300 days of the year outside.
Adam is the farm manager and has been in dairy farming all his life, following in his father’s footsteps. His wife Holly is a qualified vet and helps on the farm; she loves rearing the calves and spends a lot of her time there. Adam and Holly also have two wonderful sons who are growing up surrounded by nature and animals.
The farms soils are coastal, free draining, sandy loam. The main plants are chicory and plantain and are included in all leys. Adam also grows clover and uses kale as a break crop for the winter. Rotational grazing platform is being measured weekly.
Adam and his employees have also been following regenerative farming principles by ensuring something is always growing in the soil and using plant diversity. To help with droughts, Adam has been planting more drought tolerant grass species. He is also exploring the benefits of having more grazing days per year.
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